Creative Works of Heart



Creative Weavers, Wisdom Keepers, Way Showers, Wholeness Healers, Guiding Lights and Seers of Truth - I am speaking to You.

This is a Journey…


Discovery and Clarity
Curiosity and Intimacy


Voice and Expression
Wholeness and Essence


Inquiry and Intention
Witness and Reflection


Devotion and Discernment
Receptivity and Attunement


Communion and Liberation
Tending and Restoration

A divinely guided Invitation
A willing walk of Initiation
A conscious choice of Transformation
A potent path of Integration

A living breathing shift
INTO the Creative Weaving of your Gifts



A Guided Writing Journey into the Wholeness of your Gifts.

Casting an Invitation for
, Channels, Healers,
Writers, Poets, Witches,
Earth Lovers, Herbalists and Mystics


For those who have traveled the path of awakening,
quietly learning the wisdom of their walk,
following the threads of their knowing,
gathering the potency of their growth


For those who have felt the vibrational shift,
the whisper to fully embody their Wholeness,
to lay down the cloak of invisibility,
and be received in the weaving of their Gifts


For those who are ready to create a frequency field,
a harmonic resonance of reciprocity,
an ecology of their Essence
that will share their gifts as an offering of nourishment


For those that know
there are resonant souls
seeking to receive
the medicine that they are stewarding


For those that desire gentle accountability
A ritual space for receptivity
Reflective guidance and encouragement
Grounded steps to build a foundation for their brewing creations


For those that are ready
To express their Heart’s Truth
To tune in with their Council of LIGHT
To alchemize with their Shadow
To listen with their Embodied Intuition
To restore their Primal Blueprint




Welcome In:

You may be arriving to this journey because you FEEL something brewing and you know that you are being nudged INTO your gifts, fully.

You may be arriving to this journey because you are ready to go deeper into your gifts, peeling back another layer of depth to cultivate more intimacy with the medicine you are stewarding.

You may be arriving to this journey because you have an idea seed (or many) that seeks clarity and support for grounding creation into reality.

You may be arriving to this journey with very little context as to why - yet you are trusting your knowing and following threads of resonance.

This journey is unique to each being:

We will be navigating from a deeply intentional foundation, a framework that offers stability for a flexible exploration (more on that below). This spaciousness allows your knowing to lead you INTO mystery, discovery and alchemy. Each session will have ritual components, signaling your Wholeness to tune IN with the guidance streaming through you. With these intentional practices, arrives miraculous wisdom that is fully attuned to what you need presently.

My deepest intention is to support you in forging a path that is uniquely suited to you. One that honors your true capacity and the cyclical nature of your being. One that meets your needs fully and nurtures your Wholeness. One that lives your Gifts and strums your Essence. One that feels vital and abundant, reciprocal and symbiotic, liberated and sovereign.

This journey is about building your body of work. This journey is about spelling your truth into being. This journey is about crafting a path for your gifts to be received. This journey is about you finding your unique way.
With guidance from the desires emerging through your Voice, we will be forging a path for you to actualize and make manifest with your Creative Works of Heart.

You will be writing INTO:

  • Meeting the Voices of Wisdom channeling through your Guidance

  • Tuning IN with the invitation of your present Initiaion

  • Tending the soil of your Being and cultivating your harmonic landscape of living

  • Exploring the Gifts that you are stewarding, the woven expression of your Essence

  • Stirring the Creative Cauldron to receive Idea Seeds

  • Listeing with your Guidance about how to ground your creative works into reality, so they can be shared in Reciprocity

  • Integrating with the Learnings that this shape shifting journey is offering

These explorations will provide threads of poetic clarity that can translate into:

  • Potent writings for expressions that you desire to share, transmissions you desire to speak, songs you desire to sing

  • Intentionally woven wording for a website, a community space, an about page, and potent descriptions of your truth

  • Attuned incantations with a distinct resonance for your crafted invitations, offerings, journey’s, teachings

  • The bones of a book, an oracle deck, a course, an apprenticeship - the framework for your pathway of expressing your gifts and your teachings

  • The inspiration to cultivate a resonant community that nourishes you deeply

This is not Business Coaching:

Though this is absolutely beneficial and generative for those who are cultivating a thriving business through their gifts, this is not a business-oriented journey. The focus of our time together is coming into clarity about the gifts that you carry, about the way in which you are choosing to live into those gifts, and about building an intimate relationship with your Wholeness as you steward those gifts. Your writings are going to reveal yourself to you. The guidance you receive will offer poetic expressions that clarify, confirm and crystalize the knowing that you carry about what you are here to embody and the path to sharing yourself in Integrity.

This is not a path of urgency:

This is a path that honors your capacity and the inspired guidance that leads your next steps while supporting you through your resistances. The contractions, the sheddings, the revelations, the sacred pauses - are all aspects of this evolutionary process. I am not in a rush for you to Become. We are building an ecology for your Wholeness. A nourishing landscape of living that resources your vitality and encourages the stewardship of your gifts.

This is not a journey of promised outcomes:

I have no template for you to mold yourself into. I am not here to ensure your perceived success, boost your bank account, or promote marketing tactics that keep you in mimic. I am not concerned with how often you create content or the quantity of people who follow you. I am not a supporter of social media algorithms and the conformity required to be SEEN.

I am inquiring:

How do we build offerings that are truly nourishing, that honor our honest pace, and respect the Earth’s needs? How do we dissolve our attachment to scarcity, depletion and limitation? In a world promoting mimic as a pathway of success, shaping our natural rhythms into predictable patterns of productivity, it is quite the anomaly to follow our inner compass. To remember our primal ways of being that weave us into the ecology of this Earth Realm Reality with reciprocity, naturally cultivating Vitality through our symbiotic relationship with all the Abundance that we engage with.



Ritual Writing Practice

Ritual Writing is the primary tool we will use during this journey.  

Ritual Writing is a practice of devotion.

It is a potent and reliable pathway into the guidance streaming through you.

With each arrival to the page,

you are invited to tune in with the Realms of Wisdom we all have access to.

In this practice you learn how to feel presence,

how to receive wisdom through your clear channels,

how to give voice to the wisdom you carry,

and how to live in integrity with all that is revealed.

You learn how to Weave Your Wisdom.


Inspired by the elements,
this framework brings a tangible understanding
to an elusive flow of energy.

These portals are alive in all of us.
Each realm opens a channel that tunes our receptivity
into powerful languages of guidance.

There is a sequence,
an Earth inspired spiral,
supporting the navigation through
the emerging truths rising through your writing.

The Realm of Heart

Element of Spirit

Our heart home is
the center point field of our being.
This is the space of convergence,
where all truth meets,
where all creation springs, and where our unique frequency is beamed into this reality.
The sanctuary of our Heart is our safe space, the home of our soul, the voice of our truth.

The Realm of Light

Element of Air

This channel tunes us in with our LIGHT body,
spanning realms and dimensions, and opening our channels to receive messages
from our higher self, our spirit guides, our guardian angels and any other loving frequencies that are accompanying us for this Earth Walk.
Imagination, mind translation, miraculous guidance and our prophetic vision
all channel in through this stream of receptivity.

The Realm of Shadow

Element of Fire

This channel is our transformational portal through the underworld.
Here we tap into the contrast filled spaces, our fractaled aspects of self,
the ways in which we cope with our reality and all the wisdom in our wounds.
This is the voice that liberates us from all that has suppressed our WHOLE expression.
The energy of alchemy, the portal of passion, the fires of our desires and creation
all informed by the contrast that births our unique essence.

The Realm of Embodiment

Element of Water

This channel invites us to learn
the languages of wisdom
through our physical water-based bodies.
Our emotions, our feelings,
our instincts, our intimacy.
The actual systems that make up our physical body and provide us the ability
to interface with this three-dimensional reality.
Our body is constantly receiving energy, translating and transmitting information.
It is here we learn about how we respond to the world around us, and just how intelligent our natural receptive awareness is.

The Realm of Nature

Element of Earth

This channel opens us into the miraculous symphony of the Earth’s divine ecology and our place within it. Our Primal Human Blueprint. The innate abilities and
intrinsic symbology of our nature.
This is the wisdom inspired through the spirits of the Earth, the Elements,
the cycles of birth and death.
Earth is our greatest reflection,
as she is always showing us the aligned path of symbiotic relationship
and adaptability through the mystery.


The Grounding Points are tools for Integration.
We utilize these concepts as
gateways INTO liberation,
INTO a newly forged landscape of living
that nurtures your Whole Being.
These learnings build the foundation of
your relationship
To yourself, your gifts,
and the life you choose to live.

Devotion: Gateway to TRUST

Are you Willing? Are you Committed? Are you Consistent?

Receptivity: Gateway to INTIMACY

Are you Present? Are you Aware? Are you Listening?

Discernment: Gateway to SAFETY

Can you Feel your yes/no? Are you honoring your Preference? Are you honoring your Boundaries?

Attunement: Gateway to Integrity

Are you Choosing in Alignment? Are you Living in your Responsibility? Are you Tending your Energy?




I create and hold a potent and grounded space.

My energy is activating in a gentle and inspiring way.

I have an ability to listen and rapidly organize information with both mind and intuition.

My vibration of receptivity elicits expression.

I can see the weaving threads of clarity,
which allows me to offer inquiries and reflections about what is speaking through your wholeness.

I am here to activate resonant threads
Within You

I am here to support your journey
Into Wholeness

I am here to witness and receive
Your Voice

I am here to provide
gentle Accountability

I am here to offer
Reflective Guidance

I am here to share
Channeled Wisdom

Curious about what it is like to work with me?

The Journey:


You will Receive

Weekly or bi-weekly Immersive 90 minute Sessions

Each session will include:

An in-depth Check-In

Ritual Writing

Reflective Guidance

+ Wholeness Mapping

Ongoing communication and reflection

We will share a private message thread on Telegram

Here we will TUNE IN through Voice Memos and Texting throughout your Journey.

You are encouraged to:

Share your home practice Ritual Writings

Express your current Navigations

+ Seek Reflection through this portal of connection



Reflective of your current life ingredients and financial capacity, monthly payments range between:


Our Journey together Spirals through 3, 6, or 9 Month commitments, with the invitation to extend at the close of each spiral.

The path I walk requires intimacy, vulnerability and the commitment to a relationship.

Seasonal Spirals and beyond allow us to build our connection and TRUST the synergy of our time together. The devotion that people live into when making long term commitments makes a noticeable difference.

Initiations require patience.

If you would like to explore our synergy with an introductory session, please reach out!

Intro sessions are

Feeling a RESONANT Yes?

Fill out and submit the form below and I will reach out to set up a time for us to connect!